Time Counts

In order to understand the difference in the time settings of the heroes and god men of the ancient records, one has to know the History of the Chaldeans who were a priesthood of astronomers also known as Watchers.  These men created calculations of time based on the planets in order to appeal to the intellectual vanity of their rulers.  See the table Theology vs. Theosophy.  It should be noted that in linear time, historic truth is based on an alignment of chronology with genealogy.  In cyclical or circular time it is left to the discretion of the “Masters” to decide which weight of time they wish to emphasize.  In the heyday of Accad a ‘ner’ was equal to 5 units of time while a ‘sar’ was 10, augmented to 100 later or in the days of the Greek philosophers to 1000.  All of this was to keep knowledge of time from the uninitiated, as one theosophist so aptly describes the object of manmade religion with its rites, codes, symbols, images and allegories “as being given to the world by men wiser than the masses … to quicken human evolution”.  This reasoning is in direct opposition to Theology”s Kingdom of God which is open to all, the poor and uneducated 

Sumer is recognised as the place of the earliest post-deluge civilization that was excavated and The Torah is the only ancient book that spoke of this land under the name of a former ruler, Shinar.  This history forms part of the Pentateuch written between 1486 and 1445 B.C. by the Hebrew prince called Moses.  It is written according to linear time and the Census of the Nations prior to the dispersion is recorded.  It refers to the first cities of Babylonia built by the Hamitic king Nembroth/Nimrod I and his son/nephew Bel who came to be known as Jupiter/Yu Ptah Bel.  The history of these two first rulers is recorded in the Book of Annius which was kept secret in Armenia for centuries.

Those first cities of Babylonia were rebuilt as Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh.  It was from Accad that Assur/Assyrius, the third Nimrud departed (Genesis 10:10-11).  Asshur, known as Sharrukin, with his two sons founded Assyria and the cities of Nineveh, Rehoboth, Calah and Resen.  Ninus of Assyria who destroyed records of his predecessors claimed to be son of Jupiter Bel of Babel and Juno who would seem according to her name to have been an Inyotef princess.  The Inyotef or Tiuni rulers were located in Europe and the Mediterranean.  Europe was once named Enua.  On the misplaced Dynasty 10 recorded in Egypt/Mizr, they were associated with Anom Tiu Tiu aka Tehuti.  It is noteworthy that in Native America/Amerindia the first age is associated with the Tuinametin giants, that is, the Tiuni of the western land known to the Hamitic people as Amenti.(see von Humboldt’s travels in South America).

The Babylonian Calendar which carried out the calendar count followed by Noah, the son of Lamech, was a lunar one of 360 days with the first month called Nisannu beginning at sunset.  This system was observed by Abraham and reinstated by Moses.  

According to Berossus, the early Chaldeans all reckoned the year as having 360 days.  That view is confirmed by Alexander of Alexandros and Herodotus according to the historian, William Williams in his book Primitive History from Creation to Cadmus.  Williams also cited Diodorus Siculus who claimed that time was first counted by the moon and according to Pliny, British Druids also counted time by the moon.  The rationalist, Paul Carus referred to the time keeping of the black Sumerians that included the seventh day sabbatu or “rest for the heart”.

In writing of the Sumerians, Samuel Noah Kramer observed that the year was divided into two seasons: Summer beginning in February-March; and Winter beginning in September-October.  This introduction of two seasons in comparison to the Torah shows a slight deviation, a gradual change from the appointed cycle of the Spring Holy Days and the Autumn Holy Days.  However, the 24 hour day continued to begin at sunset and the months were lunar 29 or 30 days in length.

As men sought to create their own system of worship, the calendar became solar rather than lunar but not before tyrants dictated that the 12 months of the year be devoted to hero worship.  The sun then became the focal point of worship and rulers then claimed to be vicars of the sun.  Moving on, the days of the week were given names to remind worshippers of the created gods.  The Sabbath day then became known as the day of Saturn who was worshipped in Babylonia as Anom, the grandson of Mizraim and Kush, who was also known as Nembroth I.

Bel, king of Babel who reigned from 2258 B.C. imported priests from Sheba in Africa and from the Mediterranean to institute a counter religion based on the worship of the foremothers – Rhea and Amaltiza/Amaterasu I, the two wives of Anom whose name is more often written as Ammon.  Bel was later known as Jupiter Belus and his sons became part of the priesthood.  These early Chaldeans began to decipher the old star charts used by the civilization of Cain and his son Enoch to calculate not only the distance of the stars but to apply hours spent in a 360 day year to the age of their god-kings.  Then cycles were used to express time: the higher the number, the higher the multiple.  However, according to what was discovered in Sumer and explained as a grading of the god-kings, there may be another means of calculation according to their status as devas.

It is ironic that the Torah’s account would be considered religious pseudo-science by sceptics but Chaldean constructs based on an animistic, evolutionary religion are considered by them as science.

In Sumer, there arose different weights for the original god-rulers.  In Chinese history 60 was the number for Yao and it continued in use as a sacred number among easterners while in Egypt 30 was used to indicate the reign of the god-men.  In the Sumerian list for Larsa, which is called in the Torah Ellasar, the god-rulers are given fabulous reigns:  However, on the Sumerian King List, the first city was called Eridu not Larsa and it was ruled by Nudimmud.  Eridu is recognised by Catherine Ocholonu as Dueri in Nigeria (see Eden in Sumer of the Niger).  Nudimmud may be the Triton king of the city of This in Egypt known as Den.Udimu who also controlled Libya.  Another place called Larsa was settled by Allu.Limn aka Rimmon, god-king of the Syrians many years later.  He is accounted to have lived for 28,800 units which divided by 360 days in a year become 77.7 years or 28,800 units divided by 365 solar years become 78.9 years.  A simple rule of thumb is the higher the units given, the higher the number by which it is divided.

In the Christian era, the apostolic Christian Church believed that the seven-day week represented seven thousand years allotted mankind with the sixth millennium ruled by the immortal Messiah who returns to remove the reptilian spirits led by the fallen archangel, Satan, manifested as a dragon.  As the centuries progressed, Sunday-keeping Christians in Europe dated the world according to ages in keeping with the Hindu administration of time.  Geoffrey Keating, the historian of Irish History refers to the work of 72 men who set about to divide the eras of man’s existence into ages.  He cites Eusebius and Orosius as their followers in that they set the creation of the world in 5199 B.C.  On the other hand, the Torah did not set the creation of earth within any time frame but within the first two verses of Genesis it describes an earth without a sun in darkness covered with water before it was revived with the creation of a sun and moon in six phases called ‘days’.  The length of the day at renewal of the earth is left open inasmuch as a day is as a thousand years to spirit beings whereas man is bounded by a 24 hour cycle; but we are given a clue as to when the mammoths were created and it is within this time of renewal (See Book of Job in reference to an extinct rhinocerous.)

The eminent historian Immanuel Velikovsky gives astronomical and paleontological explanations concerning the formation of the earth and the cataclysms it suffered which can only be fully understood by the Books of the Torah and the Gospels and apostolic letters that recorded the life of the Incarnate Christ Jesus which speak of war in the physical heavens by supernatural beings and the rebellion of an archangel against the Elohim.  Velikovsky, having studied the ancient writings of many nations was able to pinpoint other times of cataclysms caused by extraterrestrial physical bodies.  Inasmuch as he was a scientist, he explained the how but not the why of these occurrences, the mechanics but not the engineer.

Dating of man therefore has to follow the dates given when Adam and Eve were 130 years old when their son Seth was born.  This Seth was not the object of worship found in Egypt.  False identification was another tool employed in the counter religion of evolution.

Josephus claimed man’s creation was in 4192 B.C. while the Latin authors clung to the 5000 year calculations of the 72 sages.  Jerome and the Venerable Bede narrowed the date of the creation of Adam to 3941 and 3952.  Nevertheless, The Book of Jasher places the death of Abel when Cain was 75 years old and Seth was not yet born whereas the count from Adam to the Flood of Noah amounts to 1656 years.

On a separate page you will find The Genealogy of Man beginning in 4008 B.C. inasmuch as the Ethiopian King List kept a record of the Christian era as beginning in 8 B.C., exactly 4000 years later.

Archaeologists estimate that the pyramids in Egypt were built about 3000 B.C.  The astronomers of their day had aligned the pyramid falsely called after Cheops to a star calculated as visible about 10 000 B.C. yet Cheops was said by Manetho to be the pharaoh at the time of the Israelite exodus and Zecharia Sitchin proves that the pyramids were reflected on tablets in Sumer or Shinar which city the Torah places at the beginning of post-diluvian civilization under Ham and Japhet seven hundred years later.  Based on the dating of the building stones they are dated about 3000 B.C. in the age of the three Bals – JuBal, JaBal and TuBal Cain.

In order to satisfy our curiosity concerning the dating systems of the Chaldean wizards, we therefore need to know the units of time that were employed. According to the priest of Ra called Manetho the period of the Hor-em-Shasu or Hor-shasu, the "successors of Horos." lasted 13,900 years. “Thoth or Hermes the reputed patron of literature was the first of the series. Twelve of these lesser divinities were enumerated in this category, after which began the reign of human rulers.” (see Alexander Wilder on theoi.org).  13900 divided by 60, the sacred number of the Eastern Chaldeans amounts to 231 years.

Another method is found among the Hindus who also divided their chronology into eras.  The first era of the giants is more complex in that it amounts to 1,728, 000 units.  There are 60 minutes in an hour. A 24 hour day comprises 60x24 = 1440 minutes.  One lunar year of 360 days becomes 1440x360 = 518,400 minutes divided by 60 equal 8640 hours. Doubled, it becomes 17,280 hours which multiplied by a sar of 100 units becomes 1,728,000.


The unit 1,728,000 divided by a lunar year of 360 comes to 4800 units which when divided by the sacred number 60 becomes 80 years.  Counted from the universal flood of 2352 B.C., the period ended with the war of the giants in 2272 B.C. and the expulsion of the Anamaeon kings.  The cow Dharma points to the period of the five queen goddesses which Eusebius recognised as hidden on the king list of the 16th Dynasty.  Their reign was 90 years in Africa at the very beginning of the post-deluge kingdoms.  Dharma is a cognate of Amatera in which ‘Te’ is substituted by ‘D’.

Count von Humboldt describes the system used in Tibet as being astrological but in looking at Native America, another method was used.  He reported that the first age called Tlatonatiuh was that of the giants called Tuinametin.  This is supported by the Palermo stone record of the Tiu kings who when the Dynasty of Anom Tiu is restored as one of the first kings of the west, spoken of in the Book of Annius as the Enuus empire, then the Inyotef or Tiuni giants of North America will find their place in the western land of the Amenti.

The dates given for this period was 13x400+6 which seemed to mean that this referred to 5,206 years but this was not meant to be linear time.  It may have represented 13 rulers for 400 years, six of whom were kings or 5206 divided by 60 = 86.7 years.  However in the Book of Annius the Anamaeon kingdom is said to have begun in the 45th year of Nymbroth/Anom about 2272 B.C. and lasted for 101 years or until 2171 B.C. which is consistent with the rise of the Semitic kingdoms beginning with Assyria.  Under Theogony we will look at the god-men and the dates given for their rulership.

As you can see, time counts; but it is not always straightforward.


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